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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wow.....175mph doesn't feel that fast!!!!

Well, not a whole lot to write about today, this morning we drove back to Munich from Salzburg to drop the car off to be shipped back to the states. During the drive I thought it would be productive to test out the wipers at 130mph....they work good at that speed. Anyways, we dropped it off and boy did the adventure start!!! We had to take a train to the main station in Munich to board the long distance train to Venice, of course we got on and off of the wrong train then stood in the wrong line and missed our train to Venice, we waited 2 hours to catch the next one and it was ridiculously slow, ended up being an hour behind schedule, we missed our connecting train to Venice and eventually made it almost 12 hours after we started. Then we got on the wrong water taxi, the bridges over here are steps, not ramps so carrying all that luggage was a blast and then finally made it. We took a couple pics all day and I'll put them up tomorrow, it is late and bedtime! Bueno Notte!
(Oh yeah and the last train we were on was going 175mph)


  1. Well I've always heard that some days are better than others. I would have really enjoyed that 175 MPH train ride. Before we get any fast trains in the US I hope they do a lot of "work" on our entire system and block all the crossings. Have a great day Sunday and keep those photos coming. Love, Mom & DAD

  2. Hang in there.....just remember be it good or bad experiences, they are all memories!
