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Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm on a Night Train!!!!!!

This will be a short update as well. Today was our last full day in Paris and we did the obligatory climb of the Eiffel Tower. I am so glad the weather was cool with a steady breeze b/c it was tough, after everything we have climbed during this trip I now have calves of steel. After the decent we made our way to the Cathedral of Notre Dame, did the tour, took the photos, stopped by Subway for some good food, grabbed our bags and now we are in the train station waiting to catch our next leg to Munich. As the title alludes to we are on a night train for this next leg, kind of looking forward to it, should be fun. I’ll put the pictures up from today here shortly. Tomorrow in Munich we are going to tour the BMW factory to watch how the cars are made and then it is pure R&R afterward at the hotel. It has a Romanesque pool, rooftop sunbathing terrace and a sauna, a much needed recovery before our flight home on Saturday and return to the real world. A couple of things from today, a bottle of wine is cheaper than a bottle of water and a dude on a moped collided with a tourist lady crossing the street right next to us, pretty intense but I did not have my camera ready so no footage of that, the girl got up and walked away, she was alright. Ciao.

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